Sunday, February 24, 2008

OA Trip Pictures

I wonder what creature is this, black top and blue bottom hanging on a tree

Leanne and I at the Stream =)

Ripples =)

Ripples with OA

4WD up at the village

OA Trip

Yesterday was a wonderful day, and a brand new experience for me. Well, OA means orang asli, so my church went to visit them yesterday. Arrived at church at around 8 something and had a prayer before we started to trip. A few Ripples Youth that includes me that were on that trip as well. It was an exposure trip for all of us. Well, we had a journey about 3 hours to the destination. Stoped at a village and had some breakfast lol and then we only enter into the orang asli village. There were a few Off Road trucks which were very tough lol like the Storm, Hilux and Triton. Well, the guys and i were happily riding behind the Storm standing up, it was a great experience. It took 45 mins into the jungle alot of bumps and rocks on the trail to reach the village. We gave them 10 bags of rice and clothes and hang around there awhile, have a look at the surroundings and it was someting very different. After the first village, we went back out to the small town to have lunch and then back into another village. This village has alot of durians falling from trees so we were kinda scared haha because we had no roof above our heads. Well, took another 45 mins off road ride again to reach that village. Same thing, we unload 10 bag of rice to give them and hang around there awhile. Nearby there was a stream, so we headed there for sometime of relaxation. The stream was clean and cooling. Hang around the stream for about an hour and then we headed back to town. Had a brief stop and then we all headed for dinner somewhere in Bentong. Had a heavy dinner, and then we all headed home. Reach back at church at around 9.30pm lolx. Thats about it the trip. Words can't really describe how awesome it was, and to really see people helping those orang asli were really touching. I'm sure i learned alot about serving the Lord, having a humble heart to reach out to those who are not reached by moajority of people. Sharing God's love with them and all, showing concern by giving things, taking them to clinic, praying for them and just to be there to help. I hope to learn more from these people that have a heart for these people. I feel very blessed from this trip and it has really recharge me alot. Praise the Lord =)

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Getting Things Done

Today is thursday and i have no activities going on at monash. However, i went to uni to get a couple of things done. LAN exemtion and photo id. Monash are very fussy about LAN exemtion, i dun know why, maybe these people have no other better things to do than to trouble students. So many things must be done in order for them to process the exemtion slip. Anyway, i've settled it already. Next is my student photo id. Well, waited for an hour plus, didn't expect many people today because there's nothing going on, but there are quite alot of people turned up for the photo session also, so the line was moderately long. Not too bad actually. I got my photo taken and my student card printed there and then. I didn't smile, maybe not happy or maybe i'm always like that. So well, thats for today. Tomorrow i have nothing, classes start on monday. byebye to my holidays..

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Another Day

Uni today was abit boring because of those long long talks... time passes so slowly. After those talk , lunch was provided in campus, and then the students had a library tour and then a brief campus tour. It was so tiring because of climbing up and down many many flights of stairs....

After all that, we students are able to go back home already but i needed to submit my lan transcript to the Monash department so i don't have to take those 2 terrible subject again in my life which is the Moral and Malaysian Studies =S

My transcript was already certified by monash staff but i was told to go back to Sunway college and get it certify by them, sad case... So my friends and i walked to sunway campus just to do those paper work =S after all those, i went home. It was a long long day today and i'm tired out and sleepy. Well, tomorrow i have nothing on, i won't be attending the study skills workshop so i have nothing on until friday. On friday got a few things and one of it is a english diagnostic test... another test so soon.... Thats all for today

Monday, February 18, 2008

Orientation Day

Finally "started" my uni life but its just orientation day. Well, met friends and had a rough overview of Monash. After some talk, got some light food to eat and was hanging out for a short while. I did a subject change because i just realise that my major was not suitable for clayton campus, if i so happen going to transfer which i don't think so. So i swap to an easier subject which is sufficient to get into other monash campus besides clayton.

Returned home after that, my day from lunch time become worst and worst. Well, misunderstanding and my impatientce causes all these dissaster to occur. Hate and anger are very powerful emotions. Well, i pray and hope that one day i'd be able to control those emotions better and better. Need more self control and sacrifice.....even though how hardened up and emotionless i maybe, there is someone special which still can make me feel so much, u know who u are bunny :) , thanks alot for advicing me and ur words of comfort. I really needed it...

At night which is around now, i had my final time table allocations for uni. It wasn't really nice, so i did some tweaking with it and came up with:

Monday 10am-3pm
Tuesday 10am-2pm
Wednesday 8am-11am
Thursday 10am-2pm
Friday *OffDay-No classes*

Now i'm quite happy with my timetable.... not too pack and not too empty for certain days, evenly balance. I need to have proper time management again this year... Planning and all.

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Holiday's Ended

Well, tomorrow's my first day in university, who knows how it'll be for me....Orientation week should be fun but well, i don't quite like surprises or changes in life but i think i can get use to it. So yea, holidays ended.....


After a year plus since i had my last blog. Now i'm gonna start this one here because i feel like it somehow. Just having a spot to let out my thoughts and a spot to share things with others. So, this is my new blog, i had deleted my old blog because it has memories which i wish to put behind me now.... so yeah, a fresh new start here for a "still brand new year 2008, sort of lol... 2 months passed still new".

I guess this year is only about to start for me as i will be starting my studies at Monash University on Monday the 18th of Feb. Orientation week, i hope i meet alot of old friends there so i feel more comfortable. There are already a few which i know, well its been a year plus since i left school, and college just ended last year. Now another new chapter which is the university life. I hope it wouldn't be so tough going for me. Pray that God will help me through and also give me enough time to spend with my special ones, my family members, friends, and leanne.

Well, today was a long long day, and i'm still up awake late. Have to sleep soon... there's one question going in my mind, why a sudden change? Everyone well almost everyone hates a sudden change to happen and even more, without an explanation that is rasional to ur mind..

Thats all about my first post... will try to be updated and not leave this blog dead...